West Virgina Statewide ITS Architecture

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Equipment Package: Field Secure Area Surveillance

Description: This equipment package includes video and audio surveillance equipment that monitors conditions of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. as bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and transit railways or guideways). It provides the surveillance information to the Emergency Management Subsystem for possible threat detection. The equipment package also provides local processing of the video or audio information, providing processed or analyzed results to the Emergency Management Subsystem. This equipment package provides the same functions as the Traveler Secure Area Surveillance equipment package.
Included In: City of Charleston ITS Field Equipment
City of Huntington ITS Field Equipment
Municipal ITS Field Equipment
Private Secure Area Monitoring System
WV DOH Security Monitoring Field Equipment
Functional Requirements 1 - The field element shall include video and/or audio surveillance of secure areas including facilities (e.g. transit yards) and transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, roadway infrastructure, and transit railways or guideways).
2 - The field element shall be remotely controlled by a center.
3 - The field element shall provide equipment status and fault indication of surveillance equipment to a center.
4 - The field element shall provide raw video or audio data.
5 - The field element shall remotely process video and audio data and provide an indication of potential incidents or threats to a center.
6 - The field element shall include video and/or audio surveillance of secure areas such as nuclear facilities.
7 - The field element shall include video and/or audio surveillance of secure areas including transportation infrastructure (e.g. bridges, tunnels, interchanges, and roadway infrastructure).

Last updated: 11-22-06