Eagle Pass Regional ITS Architecture (Final)

Element: TxDMV Credentials Administration and Safety Information Exchange

Description: Includes End-to-end credentials application, processing and issuance processes. Electronic Application includes CAT (Carrier Automated Transaction) with a CI (Credentialing Interface) interfacing to Legacy Systems such as the IRP (International Registration Plan) Clearinghouse and IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) Clearinghouse and other states Credential Systems. Safety Information Exchange is centered on CVIEW (Commercial Vehicle Information Exchange Window) that exchanges information with the field Electronic Screening elements and with the TxDOT Credentialing functions. CVIEW also coordinates exchange of information with SAFER (Safety and Fitness Electronic Records), MCMIS (Motor Carrier Management Information System), ASPEN and SAFETYNET. Mexican carriers can apply for IFTA and single state registration.
Status: Planned
Stakeholder: TxDMV
Functional Areas:
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CV Information Exchange
CV Safety and Security Administration

Commercial Vehicle Operator Systems
DPS Electronic Screening Stations
DPS License and Weights Division
Mexico Credentials Administration and Safety Systems
Service Packages: CVO03 - Electronic Clearance - DPS
Mapping: Commercial Vehicle Administration