Eagle Pass Regional ITS Architecture (Final)

Element Expanded Functional Requirements: US CBP Customs Product Manifest System

Functional Area: International CV Administration
  1. The center shall receive domestic transportation and declaration information from Border Inspection Administration Agencies such as U.S. Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Bureau of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and their counterparts in Canada and Mexico.
  2. The center shall provide an assessment regarding a commercial vehicle and driver at a border crossing. The assessment or clearance data will be forwarded on to the appropriate regulatory agencies and roadside check facilities operating at the border crossing.
  3. The center shall provide border clearance status concerning commercial vehicles and their shipments to the roadside check facilities, the commercial vehicle fleet and freight management centers, intermodal freight shippers, other commercial vehicle administration centers, and border inspection administration agencies.
  4. The center shall receive and store border clearance event data from the roadside check facilities that are located near border crossings.