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On-board Vehicle Mayday Standards Group

Architecture Geographic Scope
Source Element Destination Element Flow
Angelina Neches River Authority Dispatch Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
City of Livingston Fire/Police/EMS Dispatch and PSAP Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
City of Lufkin Fire/Police/EMS Dispatch and PSAP Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
City of Nacogdoches Police/Fire Dispatch Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Commercial Vehicles Angelina Neches River Authority Dispatch emergency acknowledge
Angelina Neches River Authority Dispatch emergency data request
City of Livingston Fire/Police/EMS Dispatch and PSAP emergency acknowledge
City of Livingston Fire/Police/EMS Dispatch and PSAP emergency data request
City of Lufkin Fire/Police/EMS Dispatch and PSAP emergency acknowledge
City of Lufkin Fire/Police/EMS Dispatch and PSAP emergency data request
City of Nacogdoches Police/Fire Dispatch emergency acknowledge
City of Nacogdoches Police/Fire Dispatch emergency data request
County Public Safety Dispatch and PSAP emergency acknowledge
County Public Safety Dispatch and PSAP emergency data request
DPS Communications Service emergency acknowledge
DPS Communications Service emergency data request
Lower Neches Valley Dispatch emergency acknowledge
Lower Neches Valley Dispatch emergency data request
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch emergency acknowledge
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch emergency data request
Private Hazmat Dispatch emergency acknowledge
Private Hazmat Dispatch emergency data request
Regulatory Agencies emergency acknowledge
Regulatory Agencies emergency data request
Sabine River Authority Gulf Coast Division emergency acknowledge
Sabine River Authority Gulf Coast Division emergency data request
Trinity River Authority Control Center emergency acknowledge
Trinity River Authority Control Center emergency data request
Concierge Service Provider Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Rail Operators Rail Cars emergency notification
County Public Safety Dispatch and PSAP Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
DPS Communications Service Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Lower Neches Valley Dispatch Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Private Hazmat Dispatch Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Regulatory Agencies Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Sabine River Authority Gulf Coast Division Commercial Vehicles emergency notification
Trinity River Authority Control Center Commercial Vehicles emergency notification

Last updated on 05-25-2005 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.