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County Road and Bridge Vehicles Equipment Packages

Architecture Geographic Scope


The following equipment packages are associated with the "County Road and Bridge Vehicles" element.   Select the "Details" icon to see the detailed requirements associated with each equipment package, or consult the National ITS Architecture web site for more information.


MCV Vehicle Location Tracking

On-board systems to track vehicle location and reports the position and timestamp information to the dispatch center.


MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring

On-board systems to detect vehicle intrusions and warn crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone. Used for stationary work zones or in mobile applications where a safe zone is maintained around the moving vehicle.


MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics

On-board sensors capable of monitoring the condition of each of the vehicle systems and diagnostics that can be used to support vehicle maintenance.


MCV Work Zone Support

On-board systems that provide communications and support for local management of a work zone.


Last updated on 05-25-2005 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.