Toledo Regional ITS Architecture Update (Final)

Element: Multi-Agency Radio Communications System (MARCS)

Description: The MARCS System is a statewide radio system that will give the agencies that subscribe to it, the ability to have contiguous communications throughout the state. It includes computer-aided dispatch, AVL, mobile data, mobile voice, geographic mapping, records management, LEADS/NCIC Access, Integrated Network Management. Wood and Lucas County OSHPs are going online in 2004. The idea is that all state and local agencies would use it, but it is cost preventative. Some of the current customers include: State Fire Marshal, Department of Public Safety, Emergency Management Agency, Highway Patrol, DOT, all 88 county sheriffs, all 88 county EMAs, state, county, township, municipalities, federal agencies.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: State of Ohio
Functional Areas:
(Linked to Functional Requirements)
View All Functional Requirements
Emergency Call-Taking
Emergency Dispatch

City of Bowling Green Public Safety Dispatch
City of Toledo Public Safety Dispatch
Lucas County Emergency Communications Center
Municipal and Township Public Safety Dispatch
OSHP District 10 Post Dispatch
OSHP Districts 1 and 2 Posts Dispatch
Wood County Communications
Service Packages: EM01 - Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch - MARCS
Mapping: Archived Data Management
Emergency Management
Traffic Management