ITS Element: NYSDOT Road Weather Information System (RWIS)

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Description: NYSDOT road weather information system performs data collection from environmental sensor stations in the field and maintenance vehicles.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: NYSDOT - New York State Department of Transportation
Mapping: Roadway Subsystem
Other Roadway


NYSDOT Maintenance Decision Support System (MDSS)
NYSDOT Maintenance Vehicles
NYSDOT Region 2 Maintenance
Private Weather Service Systems
Market Packages: MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - NYSDOT Region 2/NYSTA
MC11 - Environmental Probe Surveillance - NYSDOT Region 2
Functional Requirements:

Roadway Environmental Monitoring

  • The field element shall include surface and sub-surface environmental sensors that measure road surface temperature, moisture, icing, salinity, and other measures.
  • The field element shall include environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
  • The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a maintenance center.
  • The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a traffic management center.
  • The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by weather service providers such as the National Weather Service or value-added sector specific meteorological services.
  • The field element's environmental sensors shall be remotely controlled by a maintenance and construction vehicle.
  • The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment operational status to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
  • The field element shall provide environmental sensor equipment fault indication to the controlling center or maintenance vehicle.
  • The field element shall remotely aggregate environmental sensor data with environmental data collected from maintenance and construction vehicles.
  • The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to centers.
  • The field element shall provide weather and road surface condition data to maintenance and construction vehicles.

Last updated: 09-18-10