New Jersey Statewide and Regional ITS Architectures

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ITS Element: TRANSCOM TRIPS123 Traveler Information System

Description: This component allows the public to obtain, via the Internet (and telephone), information on the most direct and convenient scheduled transit route, based on origin to destination preferences. TRIPS will also provide fare and schedule information free of charge through the call-in telephone system. Access of TRIPS will be available through kiosk systems within the region (as part of other projects). The transit network that TRIPS will provide information on both public and private carriers.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: TRANSCOM
Mapping: Information Service Provider
Transit Management
Other Transit Management


DRBA Cape May - Lewes Ferry System
NJT Access Link Dispatch
NJT Bus Operations North
NJT Bus Operations South
NJT LRT - Hudson-Bergen Operations Center
NJT LRT - Newark City Subway Operations Center
NJT LRT - River Line Operations Center
NJT Rail Operations Center Systems
NJT Transit Itinerary Planning System
PANYNJ PATH Operations Center
Print and Broadcast Media
Private Commercial and Fleet Vehicles
Private Commercial Vehicle and Fleet Dispatch
Private ISPs
TRANSCOM Communications Center Servers
TRANSCOM TRIPS123 Subscriber Systems
Travelers Personal Computing Devices
Travelers Vehicles

Market Packages:

APTS5 - Transit Security
APTS8 - Transit Traveler Information
APTS8 - Transit Traveler Information
ATIS2 - Interactive Traveler Information
ATIS2 - Interactive Traveler Information
ATIS2 - Interactive Traveler Information
ATIS5 - ISP Based Route Guidance
ATIS5 - ISP Based Route Guidance
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination
Equipment Packages: Infrastructure Provided Route Selection
Interactive Infrastructure Information
Transit Center Information Services

Last updated: 02-08-05