KIPDA Regional ITS Architecture

Operational Concepts: Louisville Metro Emergency Services

The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for Louisville Metro Emergency Services.

Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

Emergency Management for KIPDA

Dispatch Fire vehicles in Louisville Metro and Jefferson County. Existing
Dispatch emergency medical service (EMS) vehicles in Louisville Metro and Jefferson County. Existing
Coordinate emergency response with Louisville Metro public safety agencies and the Kentucky State Police. Existing
Provide emergency call taking for Louisville Metro. Existing
Operate and maintain the computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system for Louisville Metro, as well as Jefferson County and neighboring townships. Existing
Coordinate with Louisville Metro public safety agencies, as well as public safety agencies in neighboring jurisdictions during major emergencies and disasters. Existing
Develop and coordinate regional emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans. Existing
Operate regional EOC and direct emergency operations during major emergencies and disasters. Existing

Incident Management for KIPDA

Coordinate incident response with Louisville Metro, TRIMARC, and other local public safety. Planned

Incident Management for TRIMARC CAD Feed

Coordinate incident response with Louisville Metro, TRIMARC, and other local public safety. Planned

Traveler Information for KIPDA

Provide emergency traveler information to travelers in region. Existing