ITS Element: CCTA Dispatch

Description: Dispatch center for CCTA Vehicles. In the future this could include computer aided dispatch.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Chittenden County Transportation Authority (CCTA)
Mapping: Emergency Management
Transit Management
Other Emergency Management
Other Transit Management


AMTRAK Station Information
Burlington International Airport
CARS Server
CCTA Bus Stop Displays
CCTA Demand Response Dispatch
CCTA Fixed Route Transit Vehicles
CCTA Transit Transfer Centers
CCTA Website
Chittenden Regional TOC
City of Burlington EOC
Financial Institutions
GMTA Dispatch
Institutions (UVM)
Lake Champlain Ferries
Local Transit Dispatch
Marble Valley Transit Dispatch
Municipal Maintenance Dispatch
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch
Municipal TOC
National Weather Service
SSTA Demand Response Dispatch
Vermont Smartcard Kiosks
Vermont Statewide EOC
VSP Headquarters
VSP Williston Comm Center (Troop A)
VTrans CARS Information System
VTrans District Maintenance Dispatch
VTrans State TOC

Market Packages:

APTS01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - CCTA/ Marble Valley
APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - CCTA
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - CCTA- Vermont Smartcard
APTS04 - Transit Fare Collection Management - CCTA
APTS05 - Transit Security - CCTA
APTS05 - Transit Security - CCTA
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - Marble Valley Transit
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - GMTA
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - CCTA
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - CCTA
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - CCTA/ Chittenden Regional TOC
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - CCTA/ VTrans
APTS09 - Transit Signal Priority - CCTA/ Municipalities
APTS10 - Transit Passenger Counting - CCTA/ GMTA
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Municipal TOC
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Chittenden Regional TOC
ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - VTrans Information (2 of 2 - TM to EM / TRMS)
EM06 - Wide-Area Alert - Vermont Statewide EOC
EM06 - Wide-Area Alert - VSP Headquarters
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - Vermont Statewide EOC
EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management - City of Burlington EOC
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - Chittenden Regional TOC
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - CARS
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - National Weather Service
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - Municipal Maintenance
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - VTrans
MC08 - Work Zone Management - VTrans Maintenance Information Dissemination (2 of 2)
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Activity Coordination - VTrans (2 of 2)
Equipment Packages: Center Secure Area Alarm Support
Center Secure Area Sensor Management
Center Secure Area Surveillance
Transit Center Fare Management
Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations
Transit Center Information Services
Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination
Transit Center Security
Transit Center Signal Priority
Transit Center Vehicle Tracking
Transit Environmental Monitoring
Transit Evacuation Support
Transit Vehicle Operator Assignment

Last updated: 07-01-08