ITS Element: VTrans Maintenance Vehicles

Description: Represents the snow plows and other maintenance vehicles that are owned and operated by VTrans
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: VTrans Operations
Mapping: Maintenance and Construction Vehicle
Other MCV


VTrans District Equipment Repair Facility
VTrans District Maintenance Dispatch
VTrans Work Zone Equipment

Market Packages:

MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking -
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - VTrans
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - VTrans
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - Vtrans District Maintenance
MC08 - Work Zone Management - VTrans District Maintenance
MC09 - Work Zone Safety Monitoring - VTrans
Equipment Packages: MCV Infrastructure Monitoring
MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction
MCV Vehicle Location Tracking
MCV Vehicle Safety Monitoring
MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics
MCV Winter Maintenance
MCV Work Zone Support

Last updated: 07-01-08