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NTCIP 1210: Objects for Signal Systems Master

Architecture Geographic Scope
Source Element Destination Element Flow
City of Laredo Field Equipment City of Laredo TMC signal control data
City of Laredo TMC City of Laredo Field Equipment signal control status
TxDOT Laredo TMC - STRATIS traffic control coordination
Other TxDOT Region TMCs TxDOT Laredo TMC - STRATIS traffic control coordination
TxDOT Laredo TMC - STRATIS City of Laredo TMC traffic control coordination
Other TxDOT Region TMCs traffic control coordination
TxDOT Laredo Traffic Signals signal control status
TxDOT Laredo Traffic Signals TxDOT Laredo TMC - STRATIS signal control data

Last updated on 06-14-2003 using Ronald C. Ice and Associates Web Spinner Technology.