ITS Element: Santa Fe Pickup Dispatch

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Description: Santa Fe Pickup is a free shuttle service.
Status: Planned
Stakeholder: City of Santa Fe
Mapping: Transit Management
Other Transit Management


Santa Fe Pickup Vehicles
Santa Fe Trails Fixed Route Dispatch
Market Packages: APTS02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - Santa Fe Pickup
APTS07 - Multi-modal Coordination - Santa Fe Trails Fixed Route Transit
Functional Requirements:

Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations

  • The center shall generate transit routes and schedules based on such factors as parameters input by the system operator, road network conditions, incident information, operational data on current routes and schedules, and digitized map data.
  • The center shall dispatch fixed route or flexible route transit vehicles

Transit Center Multi-Modal Coordination

  • The center shall coordinate schedules and services between transit agencies, traffic management, maintenance and construction operations, parking management, and other surface or air transportation modes.

Last updated: 12-29-11