ITS Element: Municipal Website

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Description: Transportation information web page for each municipality. In the future will include real-time construction, work zone, special event, incident, and traffic information.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Municipal Government
Mapping: Information Service Provider
Other ISP


Independent School District Dispatch
Municipal EOC
Municipal Public Safety Dispatch
Municipal PWD
Municipal Traffic Operations Center
New Mexico Park and Ride
North Central Regional Transit Dispatch
Other County Public Safety Dispatch and PSAP
State Police District 1 Dispatch
Volunteer Fire Departments
Market Packages: ATMS01 - Network Surveillance - Municipalities
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Municipal Public Works Department (2 of 2)
Functional Requirements:

Basic Information Broadcast

  • The center shall disseminate traffic and highway condition information, including incident information, detours and road closures, event information, recommended routes, and current speeds on specific routes.
  • The center shall disseminate maintenance and construction information, including scheduled maintenance and construction work activities and work zone activities.

Last updated: 12-29-11