ITS Element: Private Tow and Wreckers Vehicles

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Description: Represents the ITS equipment, such as mobile data terminals or AVL systems, on tow or wrecker vehicles.
Status: Planned
Stakeholder: Private Tow, Wreckers and Cleanup Service Providers
Mapping: Emergency Vehicle Subsystem


Private Tow and Wrecker Dispatch
Market Packages: ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - EM to EVS (2 of 2)
Functional Requirements:

On-board EV Incident Management Communication

  • The emergency vehicle shall provide an interface to the center for emergency personnel to transmit information about the current incident response status such as the identification of the resources on site, site management strategies in effect, and curren
  • The emergency vehicle shall provide an interface to the center for emergency personnel to transmit information about the incident site such as the extent of injuries, identification of vehicles and people involved, hazardous material, etc.
  • The emergency vehicle shall provide traffic incident information to approaching vehicles using short range communications..
  • The emergency vehicle shall receive dispatch instructions sufficient to enable emergency personnel in the field to implement an effective incident response. It includes local traffic, road, and weather conditions, hazardous material information, and the c

Last updated: 03-17-10