ITS Element: ODOT Maintenance and Construction Vehicles

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Description: These vehicles are responsible for managing and maintaining all local and state roadways. Many are equipped with AVL technology.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Mapping: Maintenance and Construction Vehicle


Franklin County/City of Columbus COMBAT System
ODOT Maintenance Garages

Market Packages:

MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking - Local Counties and Municipalities
MC01 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle and Equipment Tracking - ODOT
MC02 - Maintenance and Construction Vehicle Maintenance - ODOT
MC06 - Winter Maintenance - ODOT
MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - ODOT (1 of 2)
MC08 - Work Zone Management - ODOT (1 of 2)
Equipment Packages: MCV Barrier System Control
MCV Roadway Maintenance and Construction
MCV Vehicle Location Tracking
MCV Vehicle System Monitoring and Diagnostics
MCV Winter Maintenance
MCV Work Zone Support

Last updated: 10-22-09