ITS Element: CRAA Highway Advisory Radio (HAR)

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Description: Highway advisory radios (HAR), also called travelers information stations (TIS), are licensed low-power AM radio stations set up by local transportation departments to provide bulletins to motorists and other travelers regarding traffic and other delays. These stations are often near highways and airports. In the United States, only the government may have licenses for TIS/HAR stations and music is typically prohibited on the frequency. The CRAA owns a HAR station that provides passengers and dependents traveling to their airport with up-to-date flight arrival and departure information.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Columbus Regional Airport Authority (CRAA)
Mapping: Roadway Subsystem


CRAA Communications Operations Center

Market Packages:

ATMS06 - Traffic Information Dissemination - Columbus Regional Airport Authority
ATMS16 - Parking Facility Management - Columbus Regional Airport Authority
Equipment Packages: Roadway Equipment Coordination
Roadway Traffic Information Dissemination

Last updated: 10-22-09