ITS Element: ODOT Pavement Sensors

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Description: Pavement Sensors measure the surface temperature of roads or bridges. The sensors are also designed to sense the amount of salt present on the roadway when the surface is wet. There is usually one sensor installed in a roadway and at least one installed in a bridge deck near the RWIS tower. These pavement sensors are important tools that help forecasters and supervisors make decisions regarding frost, chemical applications, and whether any precipitation on the pavement will freeze or thaw. ODOT has pavement sensors installed on their ROW to help detect surface weather information and report it back to RWIS.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT)
Mapping: Roadway Subsystem


ODOT Maintenance Garages

Market Packages:

MC07 - Roadway Maintenance and Construction - ODOT (1 of 2)
Equipment Packages: Roadway Field Device Monitoring

Last updated: 10-22-09