New York Sub-Regional ITS Architecture

Project Detail


Project Name:

MTA NYC Transit - Second Avenue Subway


The Second Avenue Subway project will include a two-track line along Second Avenue from 125th Street to the Financial District in Lower Manhattan. It will also include a connection from Second Avenue through the 63rd Street tunnel to existing tracks for service to West Midtown and Brooklyn. Sixteen new ADA accessible stations will be constructed. The ITS portions of this project include Real Time Traveler Information, Transit Vehicle Tracking, Transit Fixed-Route Operations, and Transit Security.





Geographic Scope:

2nd Avenue on the East Side of Manhattan

Service Scope


MTA NYC Transit

Service Packages:

APTS01-01 - Transit Vehicle Tracking - MTA NYC Transit Bus and Subway
APTS02-02 - Transit Fixed-Route Operations - MTA NYC Transit Subway
APTS04-02 - Transit Fare Collection Management - MTA NYC Transit
APTS05-01 - Transit Security - MTA NYC Transit Subway
APTS08-03 - Transit Traveler Information - MTA NYC Transit Subway

Project Inventory:

MTA MetroCard Reader
MTA NYCT Customer Information / Display Systems
MTA NYCT Fare Point of Sale
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment
MTA NYCT Subway Vehicles
MTA.INFO Website
Private ISPs


Click on a Project Inventory element from the list above to view functional requirements.


Source Architecture Flows Destination
MTA MetroCard Reader fare collection data MTA NYCT Fare Management System
MTA MetroCard Reader request for bad tag list MTA NYCT Fare Management System
MTA NYCT Fare Management System bad tag list MTA MetroCard Reader
MTA NYCT Fare Management System fare management information MTA MetroCard Reader
MTA NYCT Fare Management System transit fare information MTA NYCT Fare Point of Sale
MTA NYCT Fare Point of Sale transit fare and passenger status MTA NYCT Fare Management System
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center transit traveler information MTA NYCT Customer Information / Display Systems
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center infrastructure monitoring sensor control MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center secure area sensor control MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center secure area surveillance control MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center alarm acknowledge MTA NYCT Subway Vehicles
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center transit and fare schedules MTA.INFO Website
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center transit incident information MTA.INFO Website
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center transit schedule adherence information MTA.INFO Website
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center transit and fare schedules Private ISPs
MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center transit schedule adherence information Private ISPs
MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment secure area surveillance data MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment infrastructure monitoring sensor data MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
MTA NYCT Subway Security Equipment secure area sensor data MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
MTA NYCT Subway Vehicles transit vehicle location data MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
MTA NYCT Subway Vehicles transit vehicle schedule performance MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
MTA NYCT Subway Vehicles alarm notification MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center
Private ISPs transit information request MTA NYCT Subway Rail Control Center


SDODocument IDTitleType
AASHTO/ITE/NEMA View List NTCIP Center-to-Center Standards Group Group
AASHTO/ITE/NEMA View List NTCIP Center-to-Field Standards Group Group
SAE View List Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS) General Use Standards Group Group
AASHTO/ITE/NEMA NTCIP 1201 Global Object Definitions Message/Data
AASHTO/ITE/NEMA NTCIP 1205 Object Definitions for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Camera Control Message/Data
AASHTO/ITE/NEMA NTCIP 1208 Object Definitions for Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) Switching Message/Data
APTA APTA TCIP-S-001 3.0.4 Standard for Transit Communications Interface Profiles Message/Data


Stakeholder Roles and Responsibilities
MTA NYC Transit
Monitor transit facilities for safety and security purposes using video surveillance and through transit user activated alarms.
Provide automated dispatch and scheduling for the fixed-route system. Provide operator instructions and receive schedule performance information from transit vehicles while in service.
Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment capabilities on all transit vehicles and include smart card fare coordination with other regional transit agencies.
Provide transit schedule and fare information to private sector traveler information systems.
Provide transit security on all transit vehicles through silent alarms and on-board video surveillance.
Provide transit traveler information on the agency's traveler information systems and private sector traveler information services, as well as making it available on all vehicles.
Track and evaluate schedule performance on all fixed-route transit vehicles.
Track the location of transit vehicles.