ITS Element: Southwest RTD Website

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Description: The website for the Southwest RTD. May have demand responsive transit plans and reservations ability in the future.
Status: Planned
Stakeholder: Southwest Regional Transit District
Mapping: Information Service Provider
Other ISP


NMDOT Rest Area/Visitor Center/Truck Stop/Service Plaza Kiosks
NMDOT Welcome Center/Tourist Info Plazas
Private Travelers Personal Computing Devices
Regional Transit Kiosks-Statewide
Regional Transportation Centers
Southwest RTD Operations
Service Packages: APTS03 - Demand Response Transit Operations - Southwest RTD
APTS08 - Transit Traveler Information - Southwest RTD Operations
Functional Requirements:

Basic Information Broadcast

  • The center shall disseminate transit routes and schedules, transit transfer options, transit fares, and real-time schedule adherence information to travelers.
  • The center shall disseminate event information to travelers.
  • The center shall provide the capability for a system operator to control the type and update frequency of broadcast traveler information.

Infrastructure Provided Trip Planning

  • The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and enroute directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.
  • The center shall include bicycle routes, walkways, skyways, and multi-use trails in the pre-trip and enroute directions it provides to travelers.
  • The center shall support on-line route guidance for travelers using personal devices (such as PDAs).
  • The center shall generate route plans based on transit services, including fares, schedules, and requirements for travelers with special needs.
  • The center shall generate trips based on the use of more than one mode of transport.
  • The center shall use the preferences and constraints specified by the traveler in the trip request to select the most appropriate mode of transport.
  • The center shall provide the capability for the traveler to confirm the proposed trip plan.
  • The center shall provide the capability for center personnel to control route calculation parameters.

Last updated: 10-10-12