ITS Element: NYS Canal Infrastructure Management System

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Description: Collects environmental data from field sensors, include precipitation gages and water level sensors.
Status: Existing
Stakeholder: NYSCC - New York State Canal Corporation
Mapping: Maintenance and Construction Management


Internet Canal Advisory System (ICAS)
Local 911 Call Centers
Local EOC
Local Fire/EMS Dispatch
Local Police/Sheriffs Dispatch
National Weather Service
NY TransAlerts
NYS Canal Precipitation Gages
NYS Canal Water Level Sensors
NYS Police Dispatch
NYSDOT Statewide Information Exchange Network (IEN)
NYSDOT Statewide Transportation Information Coordination Center (STICC)
NYSTA Thruway Statewide Operations Center (TSOC)
Private Weather Service Systems
Market Packages: MC03 - Road Weather Data Collection - NYS Canal Corporation
MC04 - Weather Information Processing and Distribution - NYS Canal Corporation
Functional Requirements:

MCM Environmental Information Processing

  • The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding environmental sensor control and weather data collection and processing.
  • The center shall assimilate current and forecast road conditions and surface weather information using a combination of weather service provider information (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services) and local environmental sensor data.
  • The center shall use the various data inputs of environmental sensors and road weather data to develop a view of current and predicted road weather and road conditions.
  • The center shall disseminate current and forecasted road weather and road condition information to weather service providers (such as the National Weather Service and value-added sector specific meteorological services) as well as other agencies including traffic, emergency, and transit management, traveler information providers, rail operations centers, media, and other maintenance management centers.

MCM Environmental Information Collection

  • The center shall remotely control environmental sensors that measure weather conditions including temperature, wind, humidity, precipitation, and visibility.
  • The center shall respond to control data from center personnel regarding environmental sensor control and weather data collection and processing.
  • The center shall collect operational status for the roadside and vehicle-based environmental sensor equipment.
  • The center shall collect fault data for the roadside and vehicle-based environmental sensor equipment for repair.

Last updated: 09-18-10