Operational Concepts: New Mexico State University

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The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for the New Mexico State University.
Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

Emergency Management for Las Cruces Regional ITS Architecture

Aid in the coordination of region wide emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans. Existing
Dispatch the University Campus Police vehicles (and track their location) and coordinate with all other public safety agencies and communications centers within the region. Existing
Provide evacuation, incident, and transportation system status information to regional public information systems. Existing
Receive Amber Alert and other Wide Area Alert information from state police. Existing
Receive early warning information and threat information from the statewide EOC and/or the department of homeland security. Existing
Receive Wide Area Alert information from the Statewide EOC and the regional EOCs. Existing

Incident Management for Las Cruces Regional ITS Architecture

Coordinate maintenance resources in response to incident on campus. Existing
Coordinate public safety resources for incident response with the university's TOC. Existing
Coordinate public safety resources for incident response within the university campus. Existing
Dispatch the university's police and fire vehicles and coordinate with all other public safety agencies within the region for incidents. Planned
Perform incident detection and verification on the university campus, and provide this information to the university's TOC. Existing

Maintenance and Construction for Las Cruces Regional ITS Architecture

Dispatch the university's maintenance and construction vehicles. Existing
Distribute maintenance and construction plans and work zone information to regional information service providers, regional traffic operations, emergency operations, rail operations, and the media. Existing
Manage work zones on campus streets. Existing
Provide maintenance of streets within campus, including pavement maintenance and all construction activities. Existing
Provide maintenance status to the Aggie Shuttle, campus safety agencies, and to the university website. Existing
Provide maintenance to all field equipment owned and operated by the university. Existing
Provide winter road maintenance for all campus streets and provide roadway maintenance status information to the university campus police and fire departments, Aggie Shuttle, and the university's traffic center. Existing
Receive vehicle location information from the university's maintenance vehicles. Planned
Receive vehicle maintenance conditions from university maintenance vehicles and coordinate fleet maintenance with agency equipment repair facility/garage. Planned

Surface Street Management for Las Cruces Regional ITS Architecture

Coordinate traffic information and control with municipal TMC. Planned
Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on NMSU campus. Planned
Provide traffic information reports to regional information service providers, private information service providers, and the university's website. Planned
Provide traffic information to regional agencies including transit, emergency management, maintenance and construction, and the media. Provide traffic information to travelers through university-owned DMS. Planned

Last updated: 08-08-14