Hartford Area ITS Architecture Update

Stakeholder: Other States

Most Hartford ITS stakeholders can be associated with one or more ITS elements and ITS Services that make up the Hartford regional transportation system. The table below contains the stakeholder description followed by the ITS Elements and ITS Services associated with the stakeholder.

Description: Neighboring States.
Elements Other States Maintenance Sections
Other States TMCs
Service Packages ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management -
ATMS07 - Regional Traffic Management - Hartford RTOC Coordination
ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System - ConnDOT Maintenance Sections (MCM to Other MCM)
EM05 - Transportation Infrastructure Protection - ConnDOT Traffic Management Center
MC08 - Work Zone Management - ConnDOT Workzone Information Dissemination (1 of 2)
MC10 - Maintenance and Construction Activity Coordination - Activity Coordination - ConnDOT (1 of 3)