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Equipment Package: HRI Traffic Management

Description: This equipment package monitors highway-rail intersection (HRI) equipment at the roadside which manages highway traffic. Various levels of roadside equipment may be interfaced to, and supported by, this equipment package to include standard speed active warning systems and high speed systems which provide additional information on approaching trains and detect and report on obstructions in the HRI. This equipment package remotely monitors and reports the status of this roadside equipment. A two way interface supports explicitly status requests or remote control plan updates to be generated by this equipment package. Status may also be received periodically in the absence of a request or asynchronously in the event of a detected failure or other unsafe condition at the intersection.
Included In: City of Hartford Traffic Operations Center
ConnDOT TMC Newington
Municipal Traffic Operations Center
Processes: - Exchange Data with Rail Operations - Manage Alerts and Advisories - Manage HRI Closures - Exchange Data with Traffic Management
User Service Requirements: 1.0 - TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT
1.10.2 - HRI shall provide interfaces between highway and rail management functions. - HRI shall provide information management interfaces between highway and rail to coordinate traffic, demand and schedules. - HRI shall be capable of interacting with traffic management functions. - HRI shall provide closure data to traffic management for in-vehicle traveler advisory messages. - HRI shall provide the capability for interactive real-time interfaces. - HRI shall provide the capability to interface with rail operations functions for rail traffic control information. - HRI shall provide the capability to interface with highway vehicles approaching and crossing HRIs for traffic control information.
1.10.5 - HRI shall provide a High Speed Rail (HSR) Subservice for HRIs on rail lines with operational speeds between 80 and 125 MPH. - HSR shall provide special safety features to enhance safety. - HSR shall provide HRI status to rail operations functions as either a "PROCEED" or a "STOP" indication.

Last updated: 10-18-04