Operational Concepts: NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation

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The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for the NMDOT - New Mexico Department of Transportation.
Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

City of Bloomfield and NMRoads Coordination Roles and Responsibilities

Coordinate traffic information with municipal and county TMCs and with other NMDOT TMCs. Planned

Emergency Management

Aid in the coordination of region wide emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans. Planned
Provide evacuation, incident, and transportation system status information to regional public information systems, the media, and on the NDOT website. Existing
Receive Amber Alert and other Wide Area Alert information from state police and post alert information on the NMDOT DMS. Existing

Highway Management

Coordinate traffic information with other regional TOCs Planned
Coordinate traffic information with other State's regional TOCs or Statewide TOCs through NMRoads Planned
Perform network monitoring for detection and verification of incidents on state owned highways. Existing
Provide traffic information reports to NMRoads, regional information service providers, and private information service providers Planned
Provide traffic information to the general public through traffic information devices Existing

Incident Management

Coordinate incident response with state police and regional public safety providers Existing
Perform incident detection and verification on state highways and provide this information to NMRoads and regional TMCs. Planned

Interstate Coordination Roles and Responsibilities

Coordinate traffic and traveler information with traffic agencies in neighboring states. Planned

Maintenance and Construction

Collect road weather information with agency field equipment and distribute it to regional traffic, maintenance and construction and emergency management agencies. Planned
Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with other regional maintenance providers Planned
Dispatch agency maintenance vehicles. Existing
Distribute maintenance and construction work plans and work zone information to regional traffic operators, maintenance and construction agencies, information service providers, and the media. Existing
Provide maintenance of state highways within the region, including pavement maintenance and all other construction activities Existing
Provide maintenance resources to assist regional emergency management agencies in incident response. Existing
Provide winter road maintenance for District 5 highways Existing

NMDOT CCTV Roles and Responsibilities

Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on sensor systems, and right-of-way requests. Planned
Provide traffic information reports to NMRoads, regional information service providers, and private information service providers. Planned

NMDOT DMS Expansion Roles and Responsibilities

Provide traffic information to travelers using State owned DMS Existing

NMDOT RWIS Roles and Responsibilities

Collect environmental sensor information from NMDOT field equipment. Planned

Surface Street Management

Coordinate traffic information with municipal and county TMCs and with other NMDOT TMCs. Planned
Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on sensor systems, and right-of-way requests. Planned
Operate traffic signal systems on State owned roadways, including traffic signals, sensor systems, and right of way requests. Existing
Provide traffic information to travelers using State owned DMS Existing
Provide traffic information reports to NMRoads, regional information service providers, and private information service providers. Existing
Provide traffic information to regional agencies including emergency management, maintenance and construction, and the media. Existing

Traveler Information

Collect traffic and maintenance and construction information from regional providers. Planned
Coordinate and share traveler information with other traveler information providers in the region. Existing
Operate NMRoads system Existing
Provide broadcast information to travelers. Existing
Provide traffic and maintenance and construction information to the media, private travelers, and various traveler information services (including NMRoads). Existing
Provide traveler information to private travelers Existing
Provide traveler information to the media Planned

Last updated: 07-08-15