Operational Concepts: DDOT Office of the Director

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The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for the DDOT Office of the Director.
Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

District Public Traveler Information System

Provide interactive traveler information, including trip planning services, through the Web site and kiosks at visitor centers, and service plazas. Planned
Provide traffic information to travelers via website, 511 system, information service providers, social networking sites and the media. Existing

Traveler Information for District of Columbia ITS Architecture

Provide interactive traveler information, including trip planning services, through the Web site and kiosks at visitor centers, and service plazas. Planned
Provide traffic information to travelers via website, 511 system, information service providers, social networking sites and the media. Existing

Last updated: 06-10-11