AMPA Regional ITS Architecture Update

Operational Concepts: University of New Mexico

The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for University of New Mexico.

Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

Emergency Management

Provide evacuation, incident, and transportation system status information to regional public information systems. Planned
Aide in the coordination of region wide emergency plans, evacuation and reentry plans, and disaster management plans. Planned
Receive early warning information and threat information from the statewide EOC and/or the department of homeland security. Planned
Operate the University's EOC. Planned
Receive Wide Area Alert information from the Statewide EOC and the Regional EOCs. Planned
Receive Amber Alert and other Wide Area Alert information from state police. Planned
Participates in the incident response, coordination, and reporting of the Regional Communications Network in a coordination effort only (no dispatch function). Planned

Incident Management - Emergency

Coordinate incident response with the regional public safety providers. Planned
Perform incident detection and verification on the UNM campus and the streets surrounding the campus, and provide this information to the regional TMCs. Planned
Dispatch the University of New Mexico's campus police vehicles. Planned

Rio Metro Real TIme Bus Location Roles and Responsibilities

Provide real-time transit information via the Wheres My Transit and Wheres My Bus websites and mobile applications. Planned

Statewide Transit Traveler Information System Roles and Responsibilities

Provide real-time transit information via the Wheres My Transit and Wheres My Bus websites and mobile applications. Planned

Transit Management

Provide real-time transit information via the Wheres My Transit and Wheres My Bus websites and mobile applications. Planned
Coordinate emergency plans with Municipal, County, and Statewide EOCs and provide emergency transit services for evacuations, fires, and disasters (including re-entry). Planned
Coordinate transit service with other regional transit providers, as well as regional intermodal terminals and regional airports. Planned
Provide automated transit maintenance scheduling through automated vehicle condition reports on all agency courtesy shuttles. Planned
Provide transit security on all agency transit vehicles through silent alarms and monitoring systems. Planned
Provide transit passenger electronic fare payment on all courtesy shuttles. Planned
Provide fixed route bus service for the university and the surrounding area. Planned
Provide transit schedule and fare information to the UNM website and to private sector traveler information service providers. Planned
Track vehicle location and evaluate schedule performance on all UNM courtesy shuttles. Planned

Travel Demand Management Roles and Responsibilities

Provide real-time transit information via the Wheres My Transit and Wheres My Bus websites and mobile applications. Planned