AMPA Regional ITS Architecture Update

Operational Concepts: City of Rio Rancho Public Works

The following are the roles and responsibilities, by functional area or by project, for City of Rio Rancho Public Works.

Functional Area or Project Roles and Responsibilities Status

City of Rio Rancho Flood Monitoring Roles and Responsibilities

Collect road weather information with agency field equipment and distribute it to regional traffic, maintenance and transit agencies as well as the national weather service and the media. Planned
Provide security monitoring of critical infrastructure for the City. Planned

City of Rio Rancho NM528 Reconstruction Roles and Responsibilities

Provide emergency signal preemption for the City's Fire and EMS vehicles. Existing
Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on City streets. Existing

City of Rio Rancho Northern Blvd surveillance Roles and Responsibilities

Perform network monitoring for detection and verification of incidents on City owned streets. Existing
Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on City streets. Existing

City of Rio Rancho Public Safety Interconnect Roles and Responsibilities

Provide traffic, maintenance and construction and transit information to the media, private travelers, and various traveler information services (including the agency website). Planned
Provide incident information to the City's emergency responders through the Public Safety Communications Center and directly to other regional emergency responders. Planned
Provide traffic information to regional agencies including transit, emergency management, maintenance and construction, and the media. Provide traffic information to travelers through City's VMS/DMS. Planned

City of Rio Rancho Signal Preemption Upgrade Roles and Responsibilities

Provide emergency signal preemption for the City's Fire and EMS vehicles. Existing

City of Rio Rancho Signal System Wireless Upgrade Roles and Responsibilities

Operate traffic signal systems on City owned streets, including traffic signals, sensor systems, and right of way requests. Existing

City of Rio Rancho Southern Blvd Reconstruct Roles and Responsibilities

Perform network monitoring for detection and verification of incidents on City owned streets. Existing
Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on City streets. Existing

City of Rio Rancho Surveillance Expansion Roles and Responsibilities

Perform network monitoring for detection and verification of incidents on City owned streets. Existing
Operate reversible lane signals and controls on City streets and bridges. Planned

City of Rio Rancho Travel Time Calculation Roles and Responsibilities

Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on City streets. Existing

CMP Transportation Assessment Program Roles and Responsibilities

Provide traffic, maintenance and construction and transit information to the media, private travelers, and various traveler information services (including the agency website). Planned
Collect traffic, maintenance and construction information, and transit schedule and fare information from regional providers. Planned

Incident Management - Traffic

Coordinate maintenance resources for incident response with the City's Public Infrastructure Department. Planned
Provide incident information to the City's emergency responders through the Public Safety Communications Center and directly to other regional emergency responders. Planned
Perform network monitoring for detection and verification of incidents on City owned streets. Existing

ITS Incident Management and Signal Operations Enhancements Roles and Responsibilities

Provide maintenance of streets within the city, including pavement maintenance and all construction activities. Planned
Provide incident information to the City's emergency responders through the Public Safety Communications Center and directly to other regional emergency responders. Planned
Perform network monitoring for detection and verification of incidents on City owned streets. Existing
Provide traffic information to regional agencies including transit, emergency management, maintenance and construction, and the media. Provide traffic information to travelers through City's VMS/DMS. Planned

Maintenance and Construction Management

Distributes maintenance and construction plans and work zone information to regional information service providers, regional traffic operations, emergency operations, rail operations, and the media. Planned
Coordinates maintenance and construction activities with other regional maintenance and construction agencies. Planned
Manage work zones on City streets. Planned
Provide maintenance to all field equipment owned and operated by the City. Planned
Dispatch City maintenance vehicles. Planned
Provide maintenance status to regional transit agencies, City public safety agencies, and to travelers (through ISPs). Planned
Provide maintenance of streets within the city, including pavement maintenance and all construction activities. Planned
Provide winter road maintenance for all City streets and provide roadway maintenance status information to regional public safety agencies, regional transit agencies, and the agency's traffic center. Planned
Provide road weather information to regional emergency management providers, regional traffic agencies, regional transit agencies, and regional public information services. Planned
Collect road weather information with agency field equipment and distribute it to regional traffic, maintenance and transit agencies as well as the national weather service and the media. Planned
Receive vehicle maintenance conditions from agency maintenance and construction vehicles and coordinate fleet maintenance with agency equipment repair facility/garage. Planned
Receive vehicle location information from agency maintenance and construction vehicles. Planned
Coordinate maintenance resources for incidents with other regional maintenance providers. Planned
Receive a request for maintenance resources for incident response from regional emergency management agencies. Planned

Traffic Signal Control

Provide emergency signal preemption for the City's Fire and EMS vehicles. Existing
Provide transit signal priority for regional fixed route transit vehicles Planned
Provide security monitoring of critical infrastructure for the City. Planned
Operate reversible lane signals and controls on City streets and bridges. Planned
Coordinate traffic information and control with other municipal and county TOCs, the Regional TOC, and the Statewide TMC. Planned
Provide traffic information to regional agencies including transit, emergency management, maintenance and construction, and the media. Provide traffic information to travelers through City's VMS/DMS. Planned
Provide traffic information reports to regional information service providers, private information service providers, and NMRoads. Planned
Operate traffic signal systems on City owned streets, including traffic signals, sensor systems, and right of way requests. Existing
Operate network monitoring equipment (CCTV Cameras, field sensors, etc.) on City streets. Existing

Traveler Information

Provide traffic, maintenance and construction and transit information to the media, private travelers, and various traveler information services (including the agency website). Planned
Collect traffic, maintenance and construction information, and transit schedule and fare information from regional providers. Planned